Schneider: Local Boy
Brings Realism to BoarsHead Role -
Who could be better in the role of a boy with Down syndrome than a boy
with Down syndrome? Well, it depends on how you look at it.
Negativity Often Tied to Down Syndrome Diagnoses - Negative
depictions of Down syndrome by health professionals who do prenatal
screening are common, according to a survey of nearly 3,000 parents of
children with the condition. A majority reported that the
obstetricians who gave them the diagnosis focused on the hardships
ahead and ignored "the positive potential of people with Down
Down Syndrome
Doesn’t Keep Ryan Down - Ryan Dupuis can do a cartwheel and
play “Silent Night” on the piano. He likes Nightmare on Elm Street and
other scary movies and his favorite class at Kimball High School is
lunch. A 16-year-old sophomore, Ryan is also a member of the girls
cheerleading team. And he has Down syndrome.
Her Passion: Care For Disabled - As she waited for her newborn
child to be brought to the nursery, Sylvia Kloc saw that all of the
other mothers had their babies already. She knew something must be
wrong. Some months later, when a doctor said her infant son, Steven,
had Down syndrome and encouraged her to put him in an institution,
Kloc said she knew there was a better way.
Symptoms of Sleep Apnea in Children - Obstructive sleep apnea
syndrome (OSAS) is a common problem in children, and is increasing
being recognized as a cause of daytime attentional and behavioral
problems. Unlike adults with sleep apnea, who are often overweight and
frequently wake up at night, children with OSA are more difficult to
recognize and diagnosis.
Love And
Learning: Birth To Three Reading and Language Development
Also applicable for older non-verbal children
Did You Know: The Average Child Watches Over 5000 Hours Of
Television Before 1st Grade. Our technique and materials (video
tapes, audio tapes, books and computer programs) help Infants and
Toddlers with Language and Reading development. We originally
developed these materials for our daughter with special needs. Maria
exceeded our expectations by being able to speak, read and understand
250 words at 3 years of age and over 1,000 words at 5 years of age. We
offer an easily do-able, loving manner of teaching that values the
individuality of each child and helps nurture self-esteem.
Health Care Guidelines for
Individuals with Down Syndrome
Challenges and joys -
A few weeks after her second daughter was born, Carole
Ehlinger received a card from longtime friends. The gist of
the message: "You're so lucky."
TX San
Antonio kids are part of a video that's designed to
show the world what people with Down syndrome can do
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